In the Spirit of Thanksgiving: The times, they are a'changing? We are all thankful to our Mother, the Earth, for she gives us all that we need for life. — Haudenosaunee Thanksgiving Address Fall is rushing to a close, and Thanksgiving only days away. So much has...
Creative Clients For Decades Worldwide
Blog and News
The Art Lawyer’s Diary Sept
The Art Lawyer's Diary Sept The Art Lawyer's Diary 1 Out of Africa: Reflections on the Opening of Cape Town's Zeitz MOCAA, the Joburg Art Scene and the Power of Ought On Friday, September 22, the first public institution dedicated to contemporary art and the art of...
The Art Lawyer’s Diary
Dr. Denise Murrell Takes it to the Temple of Modernity and Beyond: The Black Model from Géricault to Matisse at Musee d’Orsay.
The Art Lawyer’s Diary Feb
New York February 9, 2018: A Call to Action and an Opening By Barbara Hoffman January 24, 2018 was an intense, immersive and inspiring day: an existential linking of 13TH by Ava DuVernay, best known for her 2014 Best Picture nominated Martin Luther King drama Selma,...
Martin Luther King Day
"Let America be America again. Let it be the dream it used to be. Let it be the pioneer on the plain Seeking a home where he himself is free. ... Yet I'm the one who dreamt our basic dream In the Old World while still a serf of kings, Who dreamt a dream so strong, so...
The Art Lawyer’s Diary Jan
NEW YORK, Jan. 9. - Beginning the New Year, 2018 By Barbara T. Hoffman With most tourists gone and new gallery exhibitions, the first week in January is a time to catch museum exhibitions soon to close, and visit Chelsea. A highlight of last week was a great outing...
How the Destruction of Culture has Been Weaponized as a Tool of War
Michael Press' recent article, How Antiquities Have Been Weaponized in the Struggle to Preserve Culture (Hyperallergic 12/6), brings an interesting sensationalized perspective to the debate but offers no solutions and largely overlooks the more positive recent efforts...
New York City Bar Association sends letter to Congress regarding U.S. withdrawal from UNESCO
United States’ Withdrawal from UNESCO
The Art Lawyer’s Diary Nov
Prospect 4: The Lotus in Light of the Swamp By Barbara T. Hoffman Fortunately, the stars aligned for me to attend the VIP/Press opening for Prospect 4, New Orleans' citywide international contemporary art exhibit founded by curator Dan Cameron, former senior curator...
The Venice Biennale: When the Body Becomes Art , October 2017
Barbara Hoffman's review of the 2017 Venice Biennale was featured in Sculpture Magazine's October 2017 Issue. Read the full article here.

David Raymond
Philanthropist, Collector, Artist, & Film